You are an awesome mom, Lisa. Thank you for your incalculable contributions to humanity via your art and your motherhood, both of which are deepest expressions of the universe creating through you. I know your boys and their decedents will have richer and more meaningful lives because of your guidance and compassion.
You are an awesome mom, Lisa. Thank you for your incalculable contributions to humanity via your art and your motherhood, both of which are deepest expressions of the universe creating through you. I know your boys and their decedents will have richer and more meaningful lives because of your guidance and compassion.
I'm going to put on my poet hat again and share another one, to your first inquiry:
Thank you for your generous and encouraging words, Mike! I am certain all of the same things can be said of you (subbing in fatherhood for motherhood, of course).
What a poem! These lines in particular will really stay with me “To express well /
one must experience well.” We talk about and tend to think about experience like it’s this passive thing that just happens to you. The notion of experiencing WELL is so intriguing and a really helpful way to think about our relationship to the world . . . and to art.
What a magnificent poem, Mike. Your interplay of tense and pronouns, experience and mindfulness, and relationship is so adept, creative and beautifully precise. A true delightful experience to read.
You are an awesome mom, Lisa. Thank you for your incalculable contributions to humanity via your art and your motherhood, both of which are deepest expressions of the universe creating through you. I know your boys and their decedents will have richer and more meaningful lives because of your guidance and compassion.
I'm going to put on my poet hat again and share another one, to your first inquiry:
Per Sona
Being creative
and being mindful
are two sides
of the same coin.
To express,
one must first experience.
To express well,
one must experience well.
Writing these things
is as much about being
open and listening
as it is a decision to make.
The irony is
I came up with this
while trying to be present
and getting lost in the expressing
in the middle of the experiencing
of the present.
Yes, that is a confession.
You can tell because it's
in the first person,
the mind's I.
And mind you,
second person,
the mind's you,
there is plenty of room
for you too, my friend.
That is the present,
my gift to you.
Poetry is so effective
because it takes so much attention.
You must listen closely
to make this connection.
And when you hear me so boldly,
you can’t help but get to know me.
(from a collection here:
Thank you for your generous and encouraging words, Mike! I am certain all of the same things can be said of you (subbing in fatherhood for motherhood, of course).
What a poem! These lines in particular will really stay with me “To express well /
one must experience well.” We talk about and tend to think about experience like it’s this passive thing that just happens to you. The notion of experiencing WELL is so intriguing and a really helpful way to think about our relationship to the world . . . and to art.
Thank you so much, Lisa!! Your engagement in your comments section is top notch. What a cool and uplifting community you’ve garnered here!
I agree - I really don’t know how I’ve lucked into all these wonderful humans!
What a magnificent poem, Mike. Your interplay of tense and pronouns, experience and mindfulness, and relationship is so adept, creative and beautifully precise. A true delightful experience to read.
Thank you, Larry!! I’m so touched by your words. Thank you for the gift of deeply reading and understanding it.
"Poetry is effective
because it takes so much attention."