Oh wow, this poem really gives a visceral feel of the loss wrought by the tractor. "Just listen for emerald singing and the thick, brown silence." Beautiful blending of senses in the whole poem, but especially this line, which hit me right in the gut. Here's what your prompt drew out of me:
Oh wow, this poem really gives a visceral feel of the loss wrought by the tractor. "Just listen for emerald singing and the thick, brown silence." Beautiful blending of senses in the whole poem, but especially this line, which hit me right in the gut. Here's what your prompt drew out of me:
Thanks, friend. I was really tuning in as I walked yesterday with your prompt on my mind. As I walked and listened, it was like layers of subtle sound revealed themselves, which then led all my senses to open and the joy to kick in. A gift!
Oh wow, this poem really gives a visceral feel of the loss wrought by the tractor. "Just listen for emerald singing and the thick, brown silence." Beautiful blending of senses in the whole poem, but especially this line, which hit me right in the gut. Here's what your prompt drew out of me:
The joyful sounds
live in the layers between
hustle and bustle.
Beneath the constant kerfuffle
that drives the markets higher and
the wildlife into traffic and
all of us slowly but surely
into a siren song of panic.
But if you are patient and if
your heart is hospitable,
you will hear
the wind whispering
to the green summer leaves
the trilling of frogs
the buzzing of bees
a multitude of birds calling,
singing, percussing on trees
crickets pulsing in the weeds.
You will know you’ve tuned in
to the right frequency
when, in the resonance
you remember
that nothing else matters,
things are not as they seem
and your hospitable heart
beats steady and peaceful.
Joyful, glad, free.
I love this, Keith - the idea that the tuning into hear nature’s sounds tunes us to the frequency of what really matters.
Thanks, friend. I was really tuning in as I walked yesterday with your prompt on my mind. As I walked and listened, it was like layers of subtle sound revealed themselves, which then led all my senses to open and the joy to kick in. A gift!
“..your hospitable heart beats steady and peaceful. Joyful, glad, free “. Beautiful words
Thanks, Karri <3
Oh wow, I really needed "nothing else matters" today -- thank you, Keith!
So glad - I must have channeled that line just for you (not really, it was at least for me, too...I really needed to feel that when I did).
..heh heh heh..
Oh, I love this. Those first lines really drew me in and set the tone.
Thanks, A. So glad to hear this :))