This is splendid, Rebekah! You are empathetic, and my sense is that this empathy has a 360 degree scope, and moves through understanding and compassion and leads you back to the place of outrage and a movement towards wholeness and healing and a ceasing of the fury, fire and anniliation. One of the things we can hope for is reaching the leaders who do have heart and compassion, and helping them find their way back to their best natures. I am very grateful for you and your actvism on this and other issues.
State of the Union
People say I’m an empath
but I must not be
a very good one, because
I can’t fit your mindset
into my brain, can’t feel
your world at all. I’d put
fistfuls of Andrew Jacksons
down on my outsider’s
perspective of you (so many
lightbulbs last night!), but
that’s not the same thing
as trying on your eyes,
your heart – not even close.
You’re a bro. That was my
main lightbulb, watching you.
You were once a football star.
You are affable, extroverted,
and not as smart as we wish
you were. Per the internet,
I called all these things correctly,
and for me, they make you
most likely not a monster.
If I were a better empath,
I could slip into your
letterman jacket (Go Auks!),
see 30,000 dead, and
understand why the score
is still not settled.
See two million starving
and feel I’ve done my part
by dropping an MRE
for every twentieth person.
See the tanking polls
at home, the old nightmare
gassing up for another lap,
and get why it’s best
to refuse to be changed.
But I can’t get inside,
and am left with only
the pattest, saddest lightbulb
on why you, a presumed
non-monster, keeps doing
monstrous things:
Bros are no
good at math.
But you're such a good empath for TRYING to fit inside his brain! This is such a beautiful, sad, reflective, thought-provoking, image-rich poem.
This is splendid, Rebekah! You are empathetic, and my sense is that this empathy has a 360 degree scope, and moves through understanding and compassion and leads you back to the place of outrage and a movement towards wholeness and healing and a ceasing of the fury, fire and anniliation. One of the things we can hope for is reaching the leaders who do have heart and compassion, and helping them find their way back to their best natures. I am very grateful for you and your actvism on this and other issues.