This is such a powerful poem, Larry. It reminds me a bit of my childhood and the way I retreated into daydreams to regulate myself. "You are the one who taught me to be afraid" is so heartbreaking, and in many ways it's true for me as well. I'm sorry that there was no repair in your story.
This is such a powerful poem, Larry. It reminds me a bit of my childhood and the way I retreated into daydreams to regulate myself. "You are the one who taught me to be afraid" is so heartbreaking, and in many ways it's true for me as well. I'm sorry that there was no repair in your story.
This is such a powerful poem, Larry. It reminds me a bit of my childhood and the way I retreated into daydreams to regulate myself. "You are the one who taught me to be afraid" is so heartbreaking, and in many ways it's true for me as well. I'm sorry that there was no repair in your story.
Thank you A. There were , as Shawn Colvin sings, “A Few Small Repairs, “ along the way, but the cracks in the foundation always broke through.