I feel your pain and yet, a sense of acceptance for what is, coming through your words. Thank you for sharing and continue to know that you are seen and valued by all of us here.
I feel your pain and yet, a sense of acceptance for what is, coming through your words. Thank you for sharing and continue to know that you are seen and valued by all of us here.
Thank you, Karri. The acceptance has been a hard one, but having finally gotten there feels like a big deal. I do feel seen and valued by each of you, and I'm so grateful.
I feel your pain and yet, a sense of acceptance for what is, coming through your words. Thank you for sharing and continue to know that you are seen and valued by all of us here.
Thank you, Karri. The acceptance has been a hard one, but having finally gotten there feels like a big deal. I do feel seen and valued by each of you, and I'm so grateful.