Keith, this is so fine. I love thre fungi imagery, and these lines "
Keith Aron
Big Blue Sky Dragonfly
2 hrs ago
Your title, rooted in the implication of your last line, worked for me (the whole poem worked for me!). I will confess that my inner rhymer was dying to find a way to add in the word "oasis" after "stasis," particularly because of the way you tied "thirsting" and "parched" together (you know how I can get about rhyming). Here's my poem, which is also a sort of reversal on the prompt:
Keith, this is so fine. I love thre fungi imagery, and these lines "
Keith Aron
Big Blue Sky Dragonfly
2 hrs ago
Your title, rooted in the implication of your last line, worked for me (the whole poem worked for me!). I will confess that my inner rhymer was dying to find a way to add in the word "oasis" after "stasis," particularly because of the way you tied "thirsting" and "parched" together (you know how I can get about rhyming). Here's my poem, which is also a sort of reversal on the prompt:
"Choices made without
the sunlight of consciousness
are not choices at all
but reactions
that erupt like fungus
from musty corners within,
feeding off the carbon fixation
of unhealed wounds
unmet needs."
Oh, so good. and the ending is genius!
"With the next stiff wind,
spores drift complacently,
mushrooming easily, invasively.
carpeting over every
path home."
Your poems are always a magnificient read!
Thank you for your kind affirmation, Larry - so glad you liked it :))