The results of our telephone game are finally in! For those of you who are newer to this newsletter or missed the relevant posts, I invited community members to participate in a poetic rendition of the telephone game. Here’s how it worked: I wrote a poem and sent it to the first participant on the list, who was then tasked with borrowing at least one phrase, image, or distinctive word from my poem and weaving it into a poem of her own. Her poem was then sent to the next participant with the same instructions. And so on and so forth until we reached this moment and the grand reveal of the full string of poems. Above each poem, you’ll find the name of its writer, hyperlinked to take you to their Substack (if they have one).
Drumroll please . . . Or maybe telephone ring . . .
Idle Wishes (by Lisa Jensen, aka me)
I want to lie down like a grassy field. Let the rain saturate my soil. Let the sun tell me when to grow. Let the cold come, or the scorching heat. Let them kiss me back to sleep. I want to believe them when they say I’ve done enough, it’s time to rest.
A Poem by
What might it be like to lay, as the grass, to feel the kiss of the sun and stretch toward it, to sway with the breeze, unbothered and unweary, to rest in the rain, let it saturate my soil, let it satiate my soul -- what might it be like to feel the purpose of being, to feel the peace of being without purpose, except being ?
Spring (by )
Flowers emerge from their long sleep across the drenched and dreary days of winter, Cascading colors flowing like snowmelt dripping down whitecapped peaks frozen forests, blanketed in snow. Colors exploding in a feast for the eyes, tantalizing sound of the word, “spring” grey skies lifting finally, experiencing again the kiss of the sun. Rainbow symphony bringing hope to our hearts. What might it be like to feel the coursing of life coming again to our limbs, as shadows lift and we dance across the moonlit meadow. Kisses, embraces, holding hands as if to let go is the last straw in the resignation to winter. Rather we bathe in the shower of warmth Flowing from the dawn of this brand new season.
Mercy in the Turning (by Rebekah Jensen)
There are words you say without rolling them around on your palate, words you live without a second thought. I have spent twelve full years in Spring, but only today did I consider that it is also a verb. That made me wonder, is it the pithiest description of what we the northern creatures do between March and June? Is it the Earth’s clipped instruction for us as she makes her rounds: take two and spring? Is it what I, in full sentience, demand of myself? (Okay, that’s enough rest now. Get to work!) I don’t know who or what winds me up, but I am springing everywhere: back and forth to the garden, bouncing between the rows, soil in my hair, in my clothes, in my teeth most likely. It is exhausting and I can’t stop. At the end of the day, I do my stretches and doze off on the floor. Spring is lovely and I wish it would last forever, but frankly that would kill me. There is mercy in the turning, mercy in that other verb that finds us each year: Fall.
The Named Ones (by )
White letters stitched on blue jerseys For the first time For the last For only this Fall Unsung Unworthy Unwanted Punish this culture that makes men Wolves Destroy this hallowed ground that let gods hurt the innocent Burn this Rome and see the tears of the blameless wet on their cheeks Law can only try to justify Law cannot mend Only God can right ruin Only Love can defeat death Love for family Love for country Love for dear old State You stayed for each other You stayed for us The named ones We will remember The named ones We will remember The named ones We will remember
A Haiku by
those cool white jerseys with curly red "W"s. My team, win or lose
On AYSO (by Steve Salinda aka )
Ponytails bobbing in the wind Little feet, little legs, little sense of strategy I can coach all I want But those ponytails But those little feet, those little legs Go where they want to go Run to the ball Dribble, dribble, dribble Kick it hard, really hard like you mean it Take it from her Don’t be afraid Be there first But… When I care More than they do I need to be real They’re little girls With little feet, little legs Little need to win They run hard They kick hard They’re Wonderwomen Those cool white jerseys With curly red "W"s. My team, win or lose.
Forgotten whispers carried along in the breeze. Vibrant voices echoing from pasts long gone. . My windblown hair ruffled into a bird’s nest. I pull my jacket in closer like a warm blanket. . Resonant sounds of frolic and fun infiltrate my being. Squeals of joy from leaping into a huge pile of leaves. Laughter as a kite of dreams soars high into the clouds. . Wanting to get away from these mischievous gusts. I snuggle in tight as I walk amid these bitter gales. Yet those forgotten whispers are getting more insistent. . That young girl in ponytails from years gone by is ardently urging me to let go, to play with the wind.
A Poem by
I never go out walking after dark Streetlights are on, the sun’s already set But I had to get away from my own words And things I said I knew I would regret. The night air’s slighter cooler than the day. Light winds blow the trees that I walk by. Vibrant voices echoing from pasts long gone. Remind me of the times I’ve lost my mind. Sticks and stones and all that shit need not apply When the ones I toss are edged in razor wire. I’m all out of excuses it’s just me That fans the flames of anger to a fire. I used to blame the liquor or the wine When words I threw like daggers split the seams. Sobriety aside the jokes on me I guess I’m just that mother fucking mean.
A Poem by
Vibrant voices echoing from pasts long gone plaguing present from first blue of dusk til last pink of dawn. Trespassing, taunting, relentlessly haunting, waking my dreams and drowsing my thoughts. Consciousness clotting, nerves tangled with knots, I plead for release, beg them for respite. Just a modicum of peace, please. I am desperate, aggrieved, and unable to believe what a heart cold with grief cannot hold and eyes dull with regret cannot see. These ghosts in my head need me, only me, to let them go, to set them free.
Photo by Luke Southern on Unsplash
The Prompt
Ring, ring, ring, now it’s your turn! If you’d like a prompt to play with, pick up where we left off with the last poem (even if you’ve already participated in the phone chain). Find a phrase, image, or word that grabs you, and let that be your prompt. What poem wants to emerge? I am so excited to dive into the wide ocean of responses that you share.
Thank you all so much for being here, and double thank you to those of you who bravely took up the pen (and the phone) and participated in this endeavor!
P.S. Who wants in on another round of the telephone game? Maybe in the fall? Let me know in the comments or via DM if you’d like me to put your name on the list.
Not sure where this one came from, but here it is . . .
From first blue of dusk
til last pink of dawn,
I am counting,
the ways you
did me wrong.
What a remarkable series..thank you to all for sharing...I dare not try...but maybe with more time?