Let Your Heart
She writes messages in chalk, fills the blank black of public paths with colorful encouragement. I took her for a tween, but she is a grown-ass woman, who knows what she wants. She wants you to let your heart sparkle, wants this so much she drops to her knees. Her skin lifts gravel and carries it home. There is gravel on her floor, gravel in the carpet, but here on the path, the one that we share, there is only glitter and the falling light, bouncing back to dazzle our eyes and maybe, set our hearts sparkling.
The Prompt
About twice a year, I drive to Arkansas to visit my dad and stepmom. Tree-lined paths wind through their neighborhood, and as often as not, one particular patch of path is chalked up with some message or other that makes me smile. I’d never encountered the artist before but had always imagined a tween girl—never pausing to consider that I’ve been seeing these messages for years, and their author would surely have to age. I finally encountered her on this visit (I’d guess she’s 40+), and she’s one of those colorful characters who makes the whole world seem more vivid. I am told by a reliable source that she can sometimes be spotted juggling in her backyard.
I hope none of this comes off as mockery. The truth is that I am thrilled that the world holds more than conformity and sameness. I am delighted that there are adults who go to the craft store and pick out rainbow glitter, purely for the pleasure of scattering it on a public path. (Let’s just assume it’s non-toxic, compostable glitter, shall we?) I am delighted that the world is full of people who are intent on scattering kindness—in their own, true-to-them way.
This brings us to today’s prompt: take an inventory of some of the colorful characters you have encountered in your life. They might be people you know intimately, or they might be strangers. Pick one, and allow the memories to flow. Is there an image (or two or ten) that best illustrates their uniqueness? How does/did it feel for you to be in their presence?
Alternately, take some time to explore the colors of your own character! If you had no fear about judgment from the external world, how might your life look different? Your wardrobe? Your hobbies? Your relationships? Your work? Your daily rhythms? What would it be like to let your heart sparkle into that?
Friends, thank you for the color that you and your lovely poetry add to my life! I look forward to reading your poems and reflections in the comments.
Inspired by my youngest who just turned 21 this month.
She pretends it’s spooky season all year long
Black cats and Jack o lanterns out in June.
Tends accidental sunflowers in her yard
From scattered birdseed that took root and grew.
Framed photographs of strangers on her walls
From nearly a hundred years ago.
She finds them in forgotten thrift store booths
And thinks that every one should have a home.
She does some crazy things just for the laughs
Just check out her very first tattoo.
A baby cowboy, only she knows why
It just seemed like a funny thing to do.
Sometimes the sadness hides behind her eyes
Covered by the stories that she tells.
But when she tries something new she gives her all
And when she loves someone she loves them well.
Even though I'm not on the 100-poem pilgrimmage, I have enjoyed reading all your poems. I'm more of a prose writer, but this specific Sparkle poem motivated me to tell a little more of the mysterious story of the "grown-ass woman."
Her own heart sparkles.
Remarkable, really
Because she carries a burden.
A burden of love, duty, care
For a mother who is no longer whole,
though her body appears able.
She follows her mother around the trails
Just to make sure the eighty years of motor memory still serve,
Are not yet affected by the ravager.
She writes often of love,
Almost always with a big chalky heart.
Trail messages left for her mother to mark home base?
Encouragement for herself to mark her spirit’s way?
Perhaps just a boost to bored walkers.
One time I saw her watch from her secreted lawn swing
As neighbors passed, stopping to read the latest post on the path.
I hope our reactions send sparkles to her heart.