Just the One Thing
I know it seems impossible, and that is how they want it to seem. I know it seems hopeless, and who has spoons to spare for hopeless things, so I understand if you hoard your minutes and guard your caring, clutch them like cards against your careful chest. I see your fear. I see your guilt. I see your fear and guilt and raise you love. I know it seems impossible, the powers that be are too entrenched— that belief is so entrenched we overlook its power. It drones in our heads. It breaks the earth apart. It keeps us busy with a thousand nothings when all that’s needed is just the one thing— to be a drop in the tidal transformation for which our child hearts are screaming. When enough of us wake from our white noise slumber into bodies that love more than they fear, to ears that hold the screaming of children, the ones inside us and the ones who crouch bleeding and hungry against the ground that yields to our spades and deals us daffodils, then we will band together like children, before they learn to hate. We will dream the impossible like children, before they learn despair. We will shout and sing in our outside voices. We will color past every picture in shades so bold the lines disappear. We will break the rules of rigged games and make the world new. But first, I must be a drop, and you must be a drop. Every bead of water pulls beads of water. This is how a wave is built. This is how we do the impossible.
Photo by Silas Baisch on Unsplash
My Process
The process of writing this poem felt different to me than it usually does. I knew there was something I wanted to shout from the rooftops because I’m lucky enough to live in a place where the rooftops haven’t been bombed. But what I most wanted to shout wasn’t about anger or horror or despair, it wasn’t even “cease fire now,” though those are important words and I’m saying them, too. What I wanted and needed to shout most was all about love. I keep wondering, what if we collectively confront the current atrocities with love?
I have a daily ritual of calling my senators and congressperson. I take off my shoes and the compression socks I wear to mitigate POTS, and I step outside into the grass and feel the support off the earth and imagine love rising up through my feet, and then I try to persuade Mitch McConnell to care about humans. I don’t think I’ve succeeded yet, but rather than feeling drained by my repeated attempts, I feel nourished by the love flowing up from the earth and healed by those moments of speaking truth.
This poem was born of the desire to speak my truth for a different audience, though—an audience that does care about humans (a lot!) but feels helpless and paralyzed in the face of all that is wrong in the world. Sometimes I belong to that group. So this poem was for past versions of myself and for current versions of people I love. I imagined the faces of friends as I wrote this poem.
And speaking of friends, thank you to the three lovely humans (you know who you are) who gave me feedback on this poem before I posted it here. The spaces in which your feedback aligned helped me to make this poem better than it was, and the spaces in which your feedback contradicted one another reminded me that it’s okay for a poet to just go with what she likes. Ultimately, we each have to defer to our own sense of beauty and truth.
The Prompt
Pick an audience. Make this audience so small and specific that you can see their faces, holding them all at once within your mental field of vision. You might just settle on a single person (or other being).
Can you see them in your mind right now? What do you want to tell them? What is it you want them to know or feel or understand or receive? Offer it to them in the form of a poem.
You never need to give them this poem, so let your mind lay down its filters, let your heart speak its truth. I look forward to reading your poems in the comments thread! Thank you all for the generosity, cleverness, kindness, and creativity that you bring to this space.
Hey, pop.
I'll make this quick.
i am sorry.
i gave up early.
i gave up thouroghly.
It seemed so easy, that path.
So right.
you were so out of tune.
So not cool.
Then the mirror starts playing it back at me and my firstborn.
and i am sorry all over again.
I missed your last post! That prompt on voyeurism, interaction - I will need to come back to that, so intriguing. Lisa loved your poem in this post, and the drop of water coming together to make a wave. That felt so hopeful and poignant. Even the little we do, can have such an impact. This should be read from rooftops!
My poem today took an interesting turn, so I followed it.
Stop all this!
S Scrupulous
T Tainted
O Obstinate
P Partisanship
Selfish sardonic scoundrels secretly securing supremacy.
Thoughtless tyrants threatening totalitarianism.
Offensive opportunistic officials orchestrating oppression.
Pretentious pompous politicians pathetically profiteering.
Instead, it really is simple…
Have some HEART!
H Harmoniously
E Encouraging
A Accreditable
R Responsible
T Teamwork
Humble humanitarians helping humanity.
Egalitarian electees ethically enacting equality.
Accountable appointees approving altruistic actions.
Reputable representatives ratifying real rectification.
Thoughtful trailblazers transforming troublesome tenets.